At RSA Reliability, We Serve Maintenance Mankind Worldwide

TPM - Total Productive Maintenance
In today's manufacturing industries more and more companies are seeking ways to improve their plant’s performance through the application of continuous improvement tools such as TPM.

PM4P - Planned Maintenance: 4 Phases To Zero Unplanned Breakdown
This course covers the principles of TPM Planned Maintenance Four Phases to Zero Unplanned Breakdown Strategy.

AM7 - Autonomous Maintenance: 7 Step To Operator's Journey to Empowerment
This course shows the importance and benefits of introducing an Autonomous Maintenance strategy and what it will achieve if correctly applied in the workplace.

OEE - Understanding Relationship Between Equipment Losses and Overall Equipment Effectiveness
This course allows us to understand the seven major losses we suffer each day and its relationship with OEE.

FI - Understanding TPM Focused Improvement - Kobetsu Kaizen Pillar
Focused Improvement activities is used to accomplish maximum efficiency of individual facilities, equipment and manufacturing processes as well entire plants by thoroughly eliminating losses and improving performance.

RCFA - Root Cause Failure Analysis for Industries
This training you will learn to apply several practical systematic methods for analyzing performance problems to uncover the root cause that will eventually end all recurring problem making us proactive.

RCM - Reliability-Centered Maintenance
This course covers the principles of RCM which is a process used to determine the maintenance requirements of any physical asset in its present operating context.

LUB - Lubrication Strategy – Understanding the Importance of Tribology and Oil Contamination Control
Learn why world class companies are adopting lubrication strategy, their benefits and what it can do to your plant.

PBMP - Practical Best Maintenance Practices for Industries
This will cover a wide range of maintenance practices which is a must for today's maintenance and hence will definitely reduce the cost of doing your day to day maintenance on your equipment and assets.

OER - Optimizing Equipment Reliability – Gearing From Reactive To Proactive Maintenance, Streamlined RCM Approach
This course is a streamlined approach on RCM or Reliability-Centered Maintenance. This is a two in one course where the basic principles of RCM are covered and how we can derive an approach in determining our maintenance requirements for our assets based from our existing procedures.

CBM - Understanding Condition-Based Maintenance – Total Approach to Failure Prediction & Analysis
This course shows the importance and benefit of a Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) program.

MMEP - Meaningful Measures Of Equipment Performance (MTBF, MTTF, MTTR, MTBA, MTTS and OEE)
As maintenance professionals we know the importance of maintenance to our organization goals and objectives. The difficulty is in translating the overall company strategy to a meaningful measure of performance.

BMC - Basic Maintenance Concept – Understanding Reactive, Preventive, Predictive, Proactive Maintenance
This course covers the four strategies of Basic Maintenance Concept which are Reactive, Preventive, Predictive and Proactive and when each of them is feasible to use.

MRO - MRO Storeroom and Storeroom Management
Learn the strategies on how we can improve and optimize your spare parts and storeroom. This might be the missing link in your reliability and maintenance strategy.

WCM - World Class Maintenance Management – The 12 Maintenance Disciplines
This course covers the 12 Disciplines in order to improve equipment reliability. These 12 Disciplines are categorized into three, the Basics, Strategies and Advance Discipline.

MRR - Maintenance - Roadmap to Reliability
This course covers a strategy for maintenance people to achieve a high reliability of their equipment and assets through the principles of Planned Maintenance Four Phases to Zero unplanned breakdown strategy.

AMS - Advance Maintenance Strategies on RCFA and RCM
This course covers two of the most important strategies on maintenance which is how to conduct RCFA and deriving the correct maintenance tasks for our equipment and assets through the use of RCM.

CEMMS - Cutting Edge Maintenance Management Strategies
Learn cutting-edge maintenance strategies in helping
build the reliability culture for industries.